Aviation Blogs

Friday, December 5, 2014

Career Path

My stated goals in the introductory blog were to gain knowledge and graduate at eastern and I am on my way to doing so. I have decided to follow the aviation career path of a dispatcher and have just recently gained employment at USA Jet as a flight follower. Speakers who I really enjoyed hearing their stories were Aubrey Grohowski, and Dewey Davenport because they had nontraditional career paths. Live does not go the way you plan it to most of the time and It was a breath of fresh air to know that as long as you stick to whatever you are passionate about that good things can happen to you. I would have liked to of had a true blue career dispatcher to share their story, but our instructor fills that role well enough. My career goals in the short term meaning weeks will be to obtain a dispatch certificate, and longer term will be to remain at a company and move up the corporate later to middle management in five to ten years. I have enjoyed learning about aviation in the university environment and look forward to learning business practices and aviation in the business environment in the future, for aviation is an always changing industry.