Aviation Blogs

Thursday, September 4, 2014



The aviation industry is very exciting to me. On a day to day bases this sector changes with new regulations, designs, manufacturing capabilities and personnel. I first fell in awe of this amazing industry on the way to boot camp, this was my first time boarding a plane and feeling the positive G's push me back into my seat as we took off. Through-out my career i took many flights and found out the support system and personnel required to handle these massive machines was immense.

As i left the military i felt that i would like to be apart of this industry so i joined eastern and now plan to pursue management or flight dispatcher as a career. I left the military and picked up flying at Pontiac Air Center and got my private pilot certificate. It was to late in the semester to begin classes so i waited until winter 2013 to start at Eastern, and i continue to be amazed at what i can learn here.

My current goals are to finish aviation management in the summer with dispatch certification and then proceed to find a job in the industry. I would like to gain employment here in the Detroit area, or in the federal or state governments locally, but if that is not working I would consider going back into the Navy as an Officer on the aviation management side.

I would take jobs related to supply, logistics, dispatch, operations, planning, oversight, and other management related areas. I am interested in plane design and regulations effecting air travel in the future, as well as system efficiency in cargo and passenger flights, and airports.

This industry is fast pace and ever evolving, so in order to keep up with current and future events as well as look at the past in retrospect this blog has been created.


1 comment:

  1. Nice intro. Your military background will serve you very well after you have this degree. Hopefully you will be introduced to a wide variety of management options throughout this course.
