Aviation Blogs

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Next Gen

Next-gen is a remarkable program to upgrade the nations airspace with new technologies, and has a huge potential for safety, noise abatement, airport access, and efficiency. Also you have the benefits of electronic charts certified by the FAA for you to use your I pads and tablets. Key components of the next-gen system involve transitioning the air transportation system from a heavily relents on ground based systems to a network of ground and satellite systems, and one of the major components will be ADS-B.
ADS-B stands for automatic dependent surveillance broadcast and will be used by pilots and controllers to understand where aircraft are located and other information to better conduct the flight in a safe manner. Data link will allow the controllers and other operations personnel the opportunity to help the pilots in any task they request without increasing congestion on the voice network. The weather related delays that account for half of the know delays in the system can also be reduced with the addition of weather broadcasting inside the cockpit which gives the pilot clear understanding of the current and forecast weather in a timely manner.
The effects of next gen will be positive for both GA and commercial aviation because both will be able to have this advanced technologies and increased safety. Cost will be reduced by industry, the assumption that it would be to costly for GA pilots was an argument that was very valid five years ago, but new companies with reduced priced systems have came along to compete against the other companies and thus far have reduced cost significantly to the point that your life is worth the addition of ads-b for $200-$1000 box. If you are not willing or able to spend the money you can still fly, but must remain outside A, B, C airspace and above 10,000 Ft. As far as the user fees that should be paid for by the government in taxes and not out of the users of the system because everyone uses the airspace whether its for shipping packages or passenger services.
Next gen will affect my career as a dispatcher by giving the pilot up to date data and the ability to make traffic flow more efficiently around weather and delays. This increased opportunity to communicate with out regard to congestion of the network is an ever lasting benefit.



  1. Its interesting to hear an opinion from the dispatch side. I hope NextGen makes for a safer and more efficient dispatch operation as well as reduces the dispatchers workload. Its also good to see the costs placed on general aviators may not be as high as some may have thought, myself included.

  2. I like the snippet at the end about dispatch as a student in the dispatch program I agree that it will make things a bit easier. Also I don’t think your are correct about the 10,000 foot flight restriction I think you have to stay below the 10,000 foot mark otherwise it would not be fun for us in 172’s having to climb forever to get above 10,000 in order to do maneuvers.

  3. I also didn't realize that it could be so cheap for general aviation. I know price is always a major concern because profit is always the most important to aviation and really any business. I also liked that you mentioned data link, the military have been using that for years and it is a very good thing to have.

  4. ADS-B is a lot cheaper now for most aircraft. Will that $200-$1000 a box still count for much older planes? Things like the old warbirds, or light aircraft will possibly need specialized systems that could cost more.

  5. The cost for the ADS-B equipment is much cheaper than I thought. Interesting topic - will the general public be a user of NextGen? We'll probably have a discussion about this tonight.
